Aug 30, 2018
After a refreshing break, we return this week with our status on catching up post-con. We'll also talk about how Kevin is using his Bullet Journal and the challenges around having one person use a digital calendar and the other using paper. We'll check in with the Teen Test Subject, and then talk to Jim C. Hines on how...
Aug 9, 2018
The time has come, the wombat said, to introduce a new test subject. The Wombat Test Subject won't be going anywhere (I suppose she is now the Wombat Co-Host?), but we will be starting to work with the Teenage Test Subject, my son Jacob, who is starting his Junior year of High School. After that, we have an...
Aug 2, 2018
We spend a lot of time this week talking about talking - or rather, talking about speaking in public - since WorldCon is just around the corner and the Wombat Test Subject (author Ursula Vernon) has to prep not one, but two speeches she probably won't have to give. We follow that up with Kevin's initial foray into...