Sep 27, 2018
This week, we will discuss how one handles being suddenly unemployed, and what I'm doing to cope with it. We will also check in with the Teen Test Subject, and wrap up by talking to author Malka Older.
Updated 09-28-2018: Added a link to Born to the Blade and Arisia 2019.
Sep 20, 2018
This week, we will be talking about the distractions we've had this last week, and how we've dealt with them. We also have some gifts from listeners we'll talk about, and finally we'll do a check-in interview with Dylan Wilbanks, who was on last year, to see how his methods have changed. Links for this Episode:
Sep 13, 2018
This week, we'll talk about preparing for a disaster. In . our case, it is Hurricane Florence, but it could be any number of things. We talk about online backups, password vaults, and the difference between "helpful" and "helpy." And then we will read and respond to your letters. Links for this Episode:
Sep 6, 2018
The focus of this week is on the AMAZING interview I did with my friends Bill and Laura. I do take a moment to discuss taking a day off since I recorded this one on Labor Day here in the US, and have given both the Wombat Co-Host and the Teenage Test Subject the week off.